QoE Testbed: QoE testbed for real-time communication
CWI is developing a testbed for subjective QoE experiments. The goal of CWI is to make this testbed as an open-source system open to the public. As the tool was conducted for in house use, CWI conducted a requirement analysis with potential users. The idea behind the tool is to keep it system agnostic – is in this respect it targeted for controlled lab studies only. The test-conditions are meant to be applied from the end-user perspective. For exacmple could a video-conferencing system handle packet-loss in a multitude of ways from retransmission on the network level, to codec compensation or frame-skipping. In the presented testbed the idea would be to define the amount of delay, image-quality impairment or frame-rate change. This allows to make subjective tests which are less system specific. In combination with real-world productive system the results can be used to optimize towards the subjective finding or use objective automated tests beforehand to find suitable classes for the often more resource consuming user tests.
- Multi-Party Conferencing Client - supporting audio, video and chat
- Customizable UI for Experiments
- Experiment Editor
- Real-time Observer Control Window
- Real-time parameter adjusting
- Session recorder from every clients perspective
- Integrated components for creating and administering questionnaires